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Monday, September 19, 2005

TiVo-Blogging the Emmys, Part 4
Wow, William Shatner and Frederica von Stade performing the Star Trek theme was really something, eh? I can’t believe I blew my vote on Kristin Bell (though really I was voting for Veronica Mars, which was cruelly underappreciated). Flicka did look disturbingly like a tribble, however, and is it just me, or did she miss her cue after Bill’s big oration?

Best miniseries was won by another show that went completely under my radar—I didn’t even know if the show was The Last Prince or The Lost Prince (turns out it’s the latter), but I liked the woman who accepted the award because she looked like a friend of mine. (Hi, Moira.)

What did Alan Alda have on his lapel? It looked like the iron cross.

Although I fundamentally disagree with the notion of Desperate Housewives being a comedy, I was glad Felicity Huffman was the winner of the Best Actress award—she really has skills, but her speech was a little spiky. It was almost as if she’d be in her children’s ADD medicine. Patricia Arquette was very appealing, and I loved that her words about the hurricane devastation and the soldiers in Iraq seemed very heart-felt and moving.

I do watch Monk (though I’m not sure I’d admit that if the show didn’t win awards), but it’s a very peculiar show—a throwback to the mystery movies of the 1970s. The lieutenant is straight out of (if you’ll forgive the term) Macmillan and Wife, and Monk is Columbo with actual psychoses. Like Columbo, the show is padded with a lot of business for the lead actor, but in both cases, without the business it’d be a short and not terribly fascinating mystery.

James Spader’s victory came as a big surprise to me, since that felt like a strong category, but it must be extra-sweet since the end of Boston Legal’s season was essentially shelved in favor of non-winning Grey’s Anatomy. Spader has a very peculiar affect—as I said last year he’s creepily similar to Arthur in Six Feet Under—but he gave a sweet speech.

The boy from Everybody Hates Chris and his “new friend” were adorable. Charles, from New Orleans, was apparently being directed not to smile, but you could tell that he just couldn’t help myself, and Tyler James Williams came across as a very mature and warm young man.

Ellen glitched at the end, ironically forgetting to introduce her comrades-in-presenting, Hugh Jackman and Whoopi Goldberg. It was definitely an awkward moment, but Ellen had been so chronically underused all night, it’s hardly surprising. (And although she wasn’t given much to do, she does have an understated charm that works very well, and I was very glad that, unlike last year when Garry Shandling chewed up precious speech time with very bad material, she kept things moving. The telecast finished right on time, which is pretty amazing.)

Lost seemed like a good choice for Best Drama—it’s obviously had a big effect on this season’s lineup with lots of puzzle shows on the schedule—but I was shocked by the comedy choice where Everybody Loves Raymond beat Desperate Housewives. For all its flaws and for all the mysteries of its nomination categories, Desperate Housewives is a solid show with some fine actors, and I don’t know anyone who can even stand Raymond. Ah, well, at least its long, befuddling reign is now OVAH!

And so now are the Emmys! (For a full list of winners, click here.)

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