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Monday, September 20, 2004

Live-Blogging the Emmys, Hour 3
It’s way past my bedtime already, so just a few thoughts on Hour 3.

Thought 1: I said it yesterday, but now I really have to say it again: There are way too many awards for miniseries. If people watched them, they’d be on network TV. Was there a network miniseries nominated (not counting The Reagans, which started life as a network miniseries and ended up on cable—and doesn’t it say it all that that POS got two noms?).

Thought 2: Meryl Streep is a goddess. She is funny and smart and lovely. The little tribute to Tony Kushner and writers in general at the end of her speech was beautiful and moving.

Thought 3: James Spader is the spit and image of Arthur from Six Feet Under.

Thought 4: Why didn’t Al Pacino hear music? I’m thinking the orchestra are all fans.

Thought 5: The big winner wasn’t Angels in America—it didn’t really have any competition—it was Arrested Development. Huge wins for them.

Thought 6: Everybody Loves Raymond went home empty-handed. Yes!

Thought 7: Allison Janney is going to have to give that Emmy to Mariska Hargitay after embarrassing her like that.

Thought 8: Unintentionally funniest line of the evening came from Sarah Jessica Parker referring to the finale as “the end of a long sentence.”

Thought 9: James Gandolfini was definitely channeling Tony Soprano at the end when he cursed the mike being cut.

Thought 10: Thank God for Chris Rock. “Who’s Elaine Stitch?” saved the worst skit of the night, even if it was filmed in an appropriate spot—the urinal.

Thought 11: I went 8 for 13 in my predictions. I was going gangbusters until the end, but, hey, I feel better than Garry Shandling’s agent.