The Power of TK

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See Also

100 Things About Me
The Bull's Testicles Project
Russia Trip: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
Best of 2002: Movies, Books, Music.
Best of 2003: Movies.
Best of 2004: Movies, Books.
Best of 2005: Theater, Books.
Best of 2006: Theater, Books, Television.


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Thursday, July 08, 2004

Statements of the Obvious, Part 2
So, two days ago, I'm thinking, "Ah, I should take up blogging again," and I investigate this RSS thing the cool kids have been messing with for years already, and I look at a few readers, but I don't really "get" them, then I come across Bloglines, which actually makes sense to me, and its interface is a bit bare-bones, and there are some things that annoy me like not being able to sort my feeds, but it's still cool, and I get all addicted and stuff ...

And two days later I go to their page, and they've done a lovely redesign, and I can sort, and I can add new feeds with the click of a button on my links bar (and I'm sure there are many more features I still don't even know about).

Now I really like it!