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Tuesday, September 02, 2003

3 x 3, 3: Things I Didn’t Write About in Slate
I just did a weeklong travel-writing project for Slate—an account of the Aste Nagusia fiestas in Bilbao. Here are three photographs that didn’t make it into the slide show:
1. I became obsessed with the squeaky toys the hotel workers would put on the bed when they turned it down for the night. Here are the three designs—cat, dog, and sheep. One day, for some reason, they didn’t turn down the bed, and I mourned the missing sheep like a shepherd might miss a real-world lamb.

2. The hippest open-air urinal in the world.

3. A scene from the txosna of the feminist kompartsa. (That is to say, the booze stall organized and staffed by a feminist group.) That's Marijaia, the symbol of the fiestas, who's, erm, having a good time.
