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The Bull's Testicles Project
Russia Trip: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
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Monday, March 17, 2003

If This Blog Entry Wore a T-Shirt ...
If this blog entry wore a T-shirt, here's what it would say: My author had a blissful, leisurely weekend, and all I got was this lousy entry.

I had such good intentions for writing lots of entries since this was one of those lovely weekends without obligations. Instead I saw two movies (The Quiet American and Blind Spot: Hitler's Secretary), caught up on my TV addictions (EastEnders, Corrie, Six Feet Under, and The Trials of Henry Kissinger, which is not an addiction), did just a smidgeon of art (it's art camp in three weeks, and I haven't done an artistic deed in months), hung out with R, balanced my checkbook, and started reading a fabulous new book, More Terrible Than Death: Massacres, Drugs, and America's War in Colombia.

I did not do my Russian homework, write multiple mind-blowing blog entries, or figure out how to get rid of the extraneous information in the Blogamp display at the right. (If anyone knows how to tweak it so that it displays just the artist and the song, please pass it on.)