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The Bull's Testicles Project
Russia Trip: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
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Saturday, February 22, 2003

Here and There
An excellent SlateDiary” this week from my former co-worker Moira Redmond, now back in Britain (and backing Britain, I’m sure) after six years in these United States. Some lovely comparisons between life over here and over there—better service in shops over here; sexier journos with better moisturizer over there. The stunned silence of American neighbors when told the kids were getting their dad a nice stripey jumper for his birthday (“jumper” being American for “pinafore dress”) reminded me of the reaction I got when I told my fellow Delaware graduate students that my mam had sent me a dozen pairs of knickers for Christmas (no, I don’t know why I brought it up either). Apparently they were trying to picture me in a stunning array of golfing-style plus-fours.