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Saturday, March 04, 2006

Celebrity Sightings, Omnibus Edition
Actor Chiwetel Ejiofor, unmolested, on our flight to London in mid-February.

Actor Dean Gafney (Robbie from Eastenders), kissing goodbye to his girlfriend as she went into a fancy hair salon in Marylebone.

Director Stephen Frears at the Royal Court reading of Hanif Kureishi’s 1981 play Borderline.

NY1 anchor and On Stage theater critic Roma Torre at (the craptacular) Resurrection Blues at the Old Vic. (There were a ton of actors at that performance, but none that I arbitrarily decide are worthy of a celeb sighting.) I also saw Robert Altman in the lobby after the show.

Rosie O’Donnell (and Kelli) and Paul Rudnick at Friday’s performance of Grey Gardens at Playwrights Horizons.

